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Meet Aurora 

Hello, and welcome to my page where you will find my offerings to you - as the divine practices  I have come to embody in order to express and connect with the Sacred within myself and all of Creation.  

The path of reconnecting with the Authentic Expression within myself after living much of my life feeling disconnected and disempowered in who I was - I, Aurora have reconnected and reclaimed my sense of self, connection to my body and the power of love I carry through the exploration of accepting and seeing myself through Tantric teachings and practices - connecting with my emotions and life force through my breath, voice,  sound, body, my yoni, the sacred WITHIN my sensuality and sexuality.


I began looking at my outer circumstances and experiences as reflections of what I had been experiencing and holding within myself and then choosing to transmute that energy back to acceptance and love. The only way out is THROUGH. 


Through years of daily commitment to these practices of exploration and connection to my authentic self and investing in trainings, retreats and self-development/healing experiences I have opened, developed and allowed in a really beautiful and powerful way of holding space and creating transformational healing containers for people to reconnect with the power & purity within the Life Force they carry in their bodies and to really receive and embody who they truly are. This is my prayer for ALL who choose it. 



I, Aurora have a mission and deep calling to librate people as well as the energy from the planet from sexual, physical, mental and emotional shame, illusion and disconnection and to return to the embodied beautiful, magical, powerful, sacred, pure energy that our Bodies and Sexual Creative Life Force Energy IS and carries...

 This is your Souls Medicine my friends. 

I help people to reclaim and reconnect with their bodies, their voices, their sex in a beautiful sacred way that leaves you feeling SO good in your body and your existence.

In my 1:1 sessions, or events I am here to help you to remember and embrace the unique essence/medicine your soul carries and to reclaim the power with in that…to receive it - which is all connected to your voice, breath and your Divine sensual, sexual nature. Opening to yourself and embracing how good and natural it can be to feel good in your Divine Embodied Expression.


Are you feeling the call to feel alive in who you are?

Work with me


Soul Alignment Sound Ceremonies

 Aurora will be guiding you to return to the remembrance of your Sacred Unique Essence through the use of Breath, Prayer, Hands on Healing/Reiki, Kundalini Activation, Chakra Balancing, Feeling, Voice, Light Language and Sacred instruments of Sound to facilitate the sessions, intiations and ceremonies...


1:1 Tantra Healing

for men and woman

Aurora will guide you, hold you , love you as you come into full resonance & presence with the Sacred Life Force energy you carry in your body. You will have the opportunity to release shame, trauma and pain that has been stored in your bodies temple and blocking your life force from flowing freely through your life! This work will allow you the gift of being AND feeling turned on by life and ALIVE in your body again. Getting out of the mental mind and come into the body... come into Divine connection with ALL of yourself. And being seen, held and deeply loved and nourished in this space. You are worthy of intimate, soulful connection and to feel good in your body. 

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Divine Union
Couples Intimacy Sessions

Private in person sessions for couples 

Are you feeling the call to deepen your connection to you beloved?

Would you benefit from a session that allows you to open, slow down and spend quality time being present with each other while receiving guidance in a supportive environment that shows you how to connect with yourselves and each other in the most divinely intimate way? Exploring Sensual Connection to yourselves and each other. 

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Soul Medicine - Tantric Journeys and Retreats

In life enhancing Tantric retreat experiences as well as Sound and Plant Medicine Ceremonies - Aurora will guide you back home to the heart of who you are while seeing what needs to be seen and acknowledged in order for you to be free of what has blocked you from your infinite truth up until this point. The time is NOW to remember your greatness and to bring it to Earth.  

Light Language Transmission

Earth Sings

Praises & Gratitude

I want to give thanks and gratitude to this beautiful soul! I recently had some very powerful distance intuitive healing by her. Im extremely picky who I allow to connect to my energy but when I connected to her on FB I instantly felt comfort by her energy. She's the most intune person iv connected to! She helped me release some very deep wounds\traumas. One of the only people that when she was working the energy through my body my body massively responded to it. I felt completly safe and secure in the space. I was able to be fully vulnerable to let go of deep emotions. Im beyond grateful for her medicine!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! You're AMAZING sister!!! So grateful! If anyone is looking for extremely loving gracious intuitive healing sessions, i highly highly recommend her!!! LOVE YOU SISTER! NAMASTE


Tim Rogers

Medicine Man, Shamanic Healer


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