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Soul Alignment Activation Sessions
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Our Services

Tantra Healing
Couples Intimacy Coaching and Retreats
Yoni Massage & DeArmoring

Activating and Embodying your Souls Essence

In this Soul Alignment Activation session, Aurora will be guiding you to the return, remembering, rebirthing of your Sacred Essence through the use of Breath, Hands on Healing/Reiki, Feeling, Voice, Light Language and Sacred instruments of Sound to facilitate the session...

Within this sacred space of initiation, you will be held and taken into a safe and sacred space of love and surrender to any past stories or perceptions of yourself that you have been running that take you out of resonance with your soul’s unique beauty, truth, and love. Allowing you to release resistance to accepting all of who you are.

You are love, and you will be activating the Ancient Memories of your Souls Unique Essence, your Unique Expression, grounding in this Vibration of LOVE into your body, therefore grounding it into this Earth... allowing yourself to receive and know your Unique Expression as the Medicine you've been looking to connect with and embody on this Earth. 

This is a coming home to oneself.  

Remembering your Magic and Medicine and bringing it to this earth. 

Aurora works in a pure space of unconditional love with a unique blend of modalities that bring about the shifts, upgrades, and activations your soul is ready to integrate in bringing you back into harmony , DEEP Connection, Love and Acceptance with all aspects of yourself and the unique love/vibration you carry.

What you will receive from a Soul Alignment Session with me:

  • Love and accepting ALL of yourself unconditionally

  • Transmuting limiting beliefs and behaviors that keep your vibration low and disconnected

  • Release outdated relationships and make room for positive soul aligned ones

  • Receive balance and harmony with your physical body to release any physical ailments

  • Open and expand your awareness to your divine gifts & souls’ purpose

  • Receive, allow and integrate more of your limitless potential

  • Increase your vitality, awareness, and connection to all of life

  • Work in harmony with your mental and emotional aspects

  • Harmonize your connection to cosmic, earth, solar, lunar, light, love energies

  • Experience deep peace, pleasure, and purpose in your present moment experiences

  • Limitless benefits here! Its all divinely and uniquely designed for you and your unique needs!

3 Soul Alignment Activation Sessions 

Receive a discounted Rate

A progressive set of sessions is a great way to create progress in integrating your Souls Alignment, while saving money at the same time. 

Vocal Embodiment Activations

Reclaiming the power of your Authentic Expression

In a safe and Sacred space, Aurora will assist you in opening up to acknowledge, feel and express the energy and emotion that your body is carrying by connecting with it through the heart, through feeling. She helps you release judgement/fear around expressing what the heart/body feels and knows. By stepping into the feeling body, Aurora helps you to allow what is being experienced and felt in the body to be free and be heard by giving authentic, organic, primal voice to it.

It maybe an unprocessed trauma or wounding's that have been suppressed and stored within the body for lifetimes or years and are ready and needing to now be acknowledged, freed expressed and voiced, or maybe its something that is more current and present for you. Whatever the case - by connecting the voice to your body and what you are experiencing you become empowered and free to stand firmly on the ground in who you are, embodied in your truth of your being. There is alot of fear about our authentic expression. Aurora helps you to face the fear and step through it by opening up into organic, primal, embodied sound!

Reclaiming the power of your sacred Voice, you will also be receiving valuable tools to take home with you to further activate, explore and embody your unique voice and expression.

​What you will experience with a Vocal Activation session with me:

  • Reclaim the connection and confidence in your voice

  • Transmuting fears around being seen or heard

  • Reclaim your confidence and comfort in communication

  • Remembering who you are and the power you carry

  • Feeling alive and connected to your unique expression

  • Grounded in your unique center

  • Acceptance, love and confidence in who you are

3 Vocal Embodiment Activations

Scheduling progressive sessions in this package can save you money and also provide deep integrative

embodied progress to your souls expression .

Divine Embodiment Coaching

Couples Intimacy Sessions and Retreats

Aurora has a gift and passion for assisting couples establish a deeper, intimate more fulfilling relationship with themselves and eachother. Remembering and acknowledging the sacred within each other, to pause, slow down and BE present with themselves and one another through various intimacy and sensual embodiment practices is something that leaves couples walking away with more of an open heart and deeper connection with eachother.

  • Sensual Embodiment Practices

  • Tantric Massage

  • Sound Healing and Soul Connection

  • Soul Gazing

  • Breathwork Practices

  • Kundalini Activations

  • Tantric Rituals and Ceremonies for deeper connection, love and intimacy

  • And more...

1 day Retreats

2day Retreats

3day Retreats

These Retreats are tailored to your unique needs! 

Private Ceremonies, Journeys and Retreats for Groups and

1 : 1 deep dive experiences. 

Ceremony and Retreats

  • Soul Alignment Initiations

  • Vocal Activation

  • Rebirthing

  • Clearing and Blessing of Environments

  • Plant Medicine

  • Sacred Relationships 

       *** Marriage/Vow Renewal

       *** Relationship Clearing

       *** Family Healing

       *** Partnerships

       *** Mother - Daughter Healing

$ Rate is to be discussed

Create your own 1 on 1 retreat experience with me!

  • 1 day retreat

  • 3 day retreat

  • 7 day retreat

Based on your unique needs, goals and intentions we can customize a retreat or initiation ceremony that will assist you to heal, embody and align to your truth in a way that is calling to you now! We can bring it ALL in for you! 

​Retreats are done in person at a special destination. 

Intuitive Massage and Bodywork

Don't hesitate and 

Schedule a free discovery call now to see if working together is a good fit. 


*** All sessions, ceremonies and mini retreats - excluding massage & bodywork available online via Zoom.

In person sessions available at my studio in Asheville, NC.

I frequently see clients for sessions in Florida as well.

Special Sliding Scale options, Payment plans and Alternative ways of Exchange are available to be discussed as needed. 

Bring the SACRED back to your Sensual and Sexual Expression.  Feel ALIVE in your Life Force and open to experience greater pleasure in your body and in all areas of your life. 

Aurora has a Healing Touch that can bring you into deep presence to the pulse of your Sacred Life Force energy. 

Aurora will guide you to follow the flow of your Life Force and what is ALIVE inside you in the present moment which can clear blockages and awaken you to full body orgasmic pleasure and bliss. 

  • Soul Alignment (DNA) Activation

  • Sound Healing

  • Breathwork

  • Sacred Healing Touch

  • Emotional Release work

  • Kundalini Activation

  • Sensory Awakening

  • Tantric Body De-Armoring

  • Yoni Healing Massage for Woman

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